SecureW2 Wireless and Network Security Reimagined Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:18:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SecureW2 32 32 Introduction to Wi-Fi Encryption: WEP, WPA, and WPA2 Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:48:39 +0000 One key component of wireless security is encryption, which is the process of encoding data before it is transmitted over the air. Only authorized parties with the correct decryption key can read the data, preventing unauthorized access. Common encryption standards ...

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One key component of wireless security is encryption, which is the process of encoding data before it is transmitted over the air. Only authorized parties with the correct decryption key can read the data, preventing unauthorized access. Common encryption standards for wireless networks include WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), and WPA2, with WPA3 being the latest and most secure standard.

You’ve likely seen these terms if you’ve ever looked at the settings in your router or access point. In this guide, we’ll explain what all those terms mean, compare their security strengths, and explain how you can make your wireless networks even more secure.

What is Wireless Security?

Wireless security refers to the protection of wireless networks and the devices that connect to them from unauthorized access, misuse, or theft. As wireless networks transmit data over the air using radio waves, they are inherently more vulnerable to security threats than wired networks. Without proper security measures, sensitive information transmitted over a wireless network can be intercepted, modified, or blocked by unauthorized parties. Wireless security encompasses a set of technologies, protocols, and practices designed to protect the network and its users from such threats.

Why is Securing Wireless Networks Important?

The ubiquity of wireless networks has made them a prime target for cybercriminals. As these networks transmit sensitive information such as personal details, financial data, and corporate secrets through wireless networks, they are inherently vulnerable to eavesdropping and interception. Without robust security measures, this information can fall into the wrong hands, leading to identity theft, financial fraud, and breaches of privacy.

Wireless security is crucial for maintaining the integrity and availability of network resources. Attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) can render a network inoperative, disrupting personal communication, business operations, and even critical infrastructure. Implementing strong wireless security protocols helps to prevent such attacks, ensuring that networks are reliable and available when users need them.

Regulatory compliance mandates that businesses and organizations protect sensitive data. Industries such as healthcare, finance, and government have strict guidelines for securing electronic information. Failure to implement adequate wireless security measures can result in legal penalties, fines, and loss of reputation.

The Role of WPA EAP in Wi-Fi Security

The Role of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) EAP in Wi-Fi Security is pivotal in enhancing the authentication process within wireless networks, particularly in environments requiring robust security measures like corporate and public networks. WPA employs EAP, a wireless security protocol, to provide a flexible framework for strong authentication of users and devices. Key aspects include:

  • Flexibility: EAP supports multiple authentication methods, including passwords, digital certificates, and smart cards. This flexibility allows organizations to choose the most appropriate authentication method for their security requirements.
  • Enhanced Security: By using EAP, WPA can authenticate network users more securely compared to traditional, less secure methods. EAP provides a mechanism for two-factor authentication, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized network access.
  • Dynamic Key Generation: EAP contributes to the dynamic generation of encryption keys, which are unique for each session. This ensures that even if one session key is compromised, other sessions remain secure.

Wi-Fi Encryption Types: WEP, WPA, and WPA2

Wi-Fi encryption types such as WEP, WPA, and WPA2 play a crucial role in protecting data on wireless networks. Initially, WEP was introduced to provide a basic level of Wi-Fi security. However, its vulnerabilities soon became apparent, leading to the development of WPA.

WPA offered improved security features, including Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) for better encryption of data. Despite these enhancements, as threats evolved, the need for even stronger security measures led to the creation of WPA2, which includes Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) support, providing stronger data protection.

WPA2 has been the standard for secure Wi-Fi networks, offering significant improvements over its predecessors. Each successive encryption standard was developed to address the weaknesses of the former, ensuring that networks remain safeguarded against unauthorized access and data breaches. The evolution from WEP to WPA3 reflects the ongoing efforts to enhance wireless security in response to emerging threats.

What is WEP Encryption?

Introduced in 1997, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) was the first attempt at securing Wi-Fi networks. Its goal was admirable: to provide wireless networks with a level of security comparable to that of wired networks.

While groundbreaking at the time, WEP’s fixed key approach made it susceptible to various attacks. WEP encryption utilizes a combination of user-supplied keys and system-generated values to encrypt data packets before they’re transmitted over the air. However, its reliance on a static encryption key, which doesn’t change, made it vulnerable to decryption by persistent hackers. Due to its flaws, including the ability for hackers to intercept and crack WEP keys in minutes, WEP encryption has become largely obsolete. Its vulnerabilities highlighted the need for a more secure protocol, leading to the development of WPA.

What is WPA Encryption?

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) was introduced as a temporary solution to address WEP’s shortcomings. It offered enhanced security features, such as TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), which dynamically changed keys to prevent the types of attacks that plagued WEP. WPA acted as a crucial stepping stone, bridging the gap between WEP and the more secure WPA2. It demonstrated the Wi-Fi Alliance’s commitment to evolving Wi-Fi security and set the groundwork for the stronger protections offered by WPA2.

The Enhancements of WPA: TKIP and Improved Security

TKIP was a significant advancement, providing a new encryption key for each data packet. This, combined with a message integrity check, greatly improved Wi-Fi security. However, like any technology, attackers eventually found vulnerabilities within WPA, pushing the Wi-Fi Alliance to develop an even more secure standard: WPA2.

What is the WPA2 Standard?

With its introduction in 2004, WPA2 became the gold standard for Wi-Fi security, incorporating the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) for encryption. Its robust framework was designed to rectify the vulnerabilities present in its predecessors, offering a far more secure wireless network environment.

WPA2’s use of AES, a sophisticated encryption algorithm, and CCMP, a protocol that enhances data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity, marked a significant leap in wireless security. This combination ensures that each piece of data is individually encrypted and authenticated, providing a stronghold against potential attacks. WPA2’s reliability, backed by its widespread acceptance and implementation across devices and wireless routers, makes it the preferred choice for securing wireless communications.

What about WPA3?

WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3) represents the latest advancement in Wi-Fi encryption and security protocols, succeeding WPA2. Introduced to address the vulnerabilities and limitations of WPA2, WPA3 provides several enhancements that significantly improve the security of wireless networks. One of the critical features of WPA3 is the use of Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), a robust initial key exchange protocol that replaces the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) exchange mechanism. This change enhances protection against offline dictionary attacks, where attackers attempt to guess the network password by trying various combinations outside of the network environment.

WPA3 improves the security of devices connected to public networks through individualized data encryption. This means that the data transmitted by each device on a public Wi-Fi network is individually encrypted, providing protection against eavesdropping even on open networks without strong passwords. WPA3 also includes measures to simplify the process of connecting devices without displays to a Wi-Fi network securely and introduces a 192-bit security suite aligned with the Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) guidelines for higher security demands.

Pros and Cons: WEP, WPA, and WPA2

Here is a summary of the pros and cons for WEP, WPA, and WPA2:

WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3 comparison table

Wi-Fi Encryption Tools

Wi-Fi encryption tools play a vital role in securing wireless networks by encoding data transmitted between devices and access points. Beyond the built-in encryption standards such as WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3, there are additional tools and software that enhance Wi-Fi security. These include:

VPN Services

Virtual Private Networks encrypt all internet traffic from a device, offering an extra layer of security, especially on public Wi-Fi networks. VPNs are crucial for remote workers and those frequently using unsecured networks.

Wireless Intrusion Prevention Systems (WIPS)

These systems monitor a wireless network for malicious activities or policy violations, automatically taking action to prevent or mitigate security threats. WIPS are essential for detecting unauthorized access points or rogue devices.

Wi-Fi Security Scanners

Tools like Aircrack-ng and Wireshark analyze Wi-Fi networks for vulnerabilities, such as weak encryption methods or poorly configured networks. These scanners can help administrators identify and rectify security flaws.

Network Encryption Software

Beyond standard Wi-Fi encryption, additional software solutions provide end-to-end encryption for data sent over the network, ensuring that even if traffic is intercepted, it cannot be easily deciphered.

Enhancing Enterprise Wi-Fi Security with EAP-TLS

The evolution from WEP to WPA3 underscores the continuous effort to protect data from unauthorized access and ensure secure network communication. Among the myriad of tools and protocols aimed at strengthening wireless network security, SecureW2 emerges as a sophisticated solution that significantly enhances network protection.

SecureW2’s managed Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) platform plays a pivotal role in transitioning from traditional password-based authentication to a more secure, certificate-based approach. This is particularly relevant in environments that leverage EAP, especially EAP-TLS, which is renowned for its robust security features.

EAP-TLS stands out for its use of mutual authentication, where both the client and the server authenticate each other using certificates. This method is superior to password-based authentication in several ways:

  • Eliminates the Risks Associated with Password Theft: By using digital certificates instead of passwords, EAP-TLS removes the most common vector for network breaches – the theft of password credentials.
  • Dynamic Encryption: The use of certificates facilitates the dynamic generation of encryption keys, ensuring that each session is securely encrypted with unique keys.
  • Enhanced Authentication: EAP-TLS provides a more secure framework for authenticating devices and users, significantly reducing the possibility of unauthorized access.

SecureW2’s Managed PKI: A Certificate-Based Authentication Solution

SecureW2’s platform simplifies the deployment and management of these certificates, making it feasible for organizations of any size to implement certificate-based authentication without the complex infrastructure traditionally associated with PKI. Our PKI was also designed with vendor-neutrality in mind, allowing it to integrate with your existing identity and device management infrastructure. We even provide the technology you need to easily distribute certificates to your endpoints, including gateway APIs for managed device certificate enrollment and a dissolvable self-service onboarding application for BYODs.

Additionally, SecureW2 offers a RADIUS server platform designed to facilitate passwordless authentication. This platform not only verifies each network access request but also ensures that the most current network policies are applied by communicating in real-time with cloud identity providers such as Entra ID (Azure AD), Google, Okta, and OneLogin.

Contact us today and see how SecureW2 can fortify your defenses against Wi-Fi vulnerabilities and unauthorized users.

The post Introduction to Wi-Fi Encryption: WEP, WPA, and WPA2 appeared first on SecureW2.

Best WiFi Security Settings MacOS Wed, 27 Mar 2024 05:54:57 +0000 In a world driven by digital connection, safeguarding the security of our Wi-Fi networks is critical, especially for Mac users. Despite its strong standing, the macOS environment is not immune to cyberattacks. There’s always a risk of identity theft or ...

The post Best WiFi Security Settings MacOS appeared first on SecureW2.

In a world driven by digital connection, safeguarding the security of our Wi-Fi networks is critical, especially for Mac users. Despite its strong standing, the macOS environment is not immune to cyberattacks. There’s always a risk of identity theft or data breaches using insecure Wi-Fi networks. The attack surface has increased due to the widespread usage of smart devices and IoT (Internet of Things) technology. Thus, users must strengthen their defenses.

This post explores the top Wi-Fi security configurations made especially for macOS devices. By arming users with the knowledge they need to secure their Wi-Fi network, we aim to reduce the probability of cyberattacks and prevent sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands.

Password Protect Your Wi-Fi Routers on Mac

Identifying the model of your router should be your first step. Examine it in person and take note of its name. Access the router’s settings. You should first navigate to your Wi-Fi router’s Settings page. The majority of routers at the consumer level have a standard IP address. Put it in your browser, then –

Enter into your browser’s address bar. You might try as an alternate IP address.

You’ll now be asked to enter your router’s username and password. If you can’t recall the model of your router and its default password, you may Google it. The default credentials are likely to be admin and 12345789. A router settings page looks like this, for example.

Assign the Same SSID for Each Band

Different wireless technologies communicate across different frequency bands. The most often utilized frequency bands are 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz.

Rather than giving each band a separate Wi-Fi network name, Apple suggests giving each one the same name or SSID (Service Set Identifier). The manufacturer warns that disregarding this norm may cause devices to become unreliable in connecting to all available bands, thus hindering and slowing down wireless performance.

Make sure your name is exclusive to your network. Avoid default or widely used names like Linksys, Netgear, Dlink, Wireless, or 2wire. If not, when a device connects to your Wi-Fi network, it is more likely to come across other networks with the same name and attempt to connect to them automatically.

Set Security to WPA3 Personal in Wi-Fi Settings

The Wi-Fi Alliance started certifying products for WPA3 use in 2018, so it’s time to upgrade if you still use the older WPA2 standard. WPA3 Personal, the latest wireless encryption standard, provides a more secure Wi-Fi connection but may not be compatible with some older devices that can only support the WPA2 protocol.

To strengthen your wireless network’s security, ensure your laptops, tablets, and smartphones are compatible with Wi-Fi 6, commonly known as 802.11ax. Then, turn on the update on your Wi-Fi router and access points.

If you must stick with WPA2 to maintain compatibility with outdated devices you cannot replace or upgrade, see if your Wi-Fi router supports WPA2/WPA3 Transitional. Also known as WPA3 Transitional or WPA3 Transition Mode, these mixed radio mode settings help you connect older devices while allowing newer ones to take advantage of the more secure, more advanced technology.

Weak Security System Settings to Avoid on Your Router

Avoid setting up or connecting to wireless networks that use outdated security methods. They make your device display a security alert, lower network performance, and reliability, and are no longer secure:

  • WPA/WPA2 mixed modes
  • WPA Personal
  • WEP, including WEP Open, WEP Shared, WEP Transitional Security Network, or Dynamic WEP (WEP with 802.1X)
  • TKIP, including any security setting with TKIP in the name

It’s also highly discouraged to use Wi-Fi settings like None, Open, or Unsecured, which disable security. If you turn off security, anyone can connect to your wireless network, use your internet connection, access shared resources (such as printers, computers, and smart devices), monitor websites you visit, and access other data transmitted over your network or internet connection. Authentication and encryption are also disabled. Even if security is temporarily disabled or only applied to guest networks, there is still a risk.

Do Not Enable Hidden Wi Fi Network

A Wi-Fi router or access point network name (SSID) can still be easily found even if configured to hide it. This means the SSID does not deter unauthorized access or successfully avoid discovery. In actuality, hackers tend to find a hidden network more interesting since they could suggest that there is valuable content on that network.

To help secure Wi-Fi access, Apple advises disabling Hidden Network settings and switching to WPA3 Personal. Connecting to hidden networks may also result in privacy warnings.

Disable Mac Filtering

Apple forbids devices from connecting unless it accepts specified media access control addresses unique to each device.

For several reasons, such as the ease with which malicious users might spoof MAC addresses, authorizing only known MAC addresses does not shield users from detection, surveillance, or attack of network data. Once more, Apple advises utilizing the best security settings—WPA3 Personal- if possible.

Enable Automatic Updates

Previously, IT consultants desired control over downloading and installing new security updates and performance patches on different computers and network components. Those times are gone.

The best recommendation is to apply firmware and software upgrades as soon as they become available. Apple advises people to do just that: Set up their access points and Wi-Fi routers so that upgrades are processed automatically. This best practice guarantees that Wi-Fi equipment runs on the newest software, which promotes more dependable and secure wireless networking.

Set the Channel to Auto

Like traffic lanes on the street, each band of your router is separated into many independent communication channels. When configured for automatic channel selection, your router chooses the optimal Wi-Fi channel.

If your router does not support the automated channel selection feature, choose the best channel for your network. That channel changes based on the Wi-Fi interference in your network environment, which may come from devices and routers using the same channel. If you have more than one router, set each one up to utilize a distinct channel, especially if they are nearby.

Don’t Forget the Channel Width

Channel width defines the size of the “pipe” available for data flow. Although wider channels are quicker, they are also more prone to interference and could cause problems for other devices.

  • The 2.4GHz band’s 20MHz helps prevent problems with performance and reliability, particularly when used in close proximity to other Wi-Fi networks and 2.4GHz devices, such as Bluetooth ones.
  • For the 5GHz and 6GHz bands, auto or all channel widths guarantee optimal performance and device compatibility. In these bands, wireless interference is less of an issue.

Set DHCP to Enabled

Let your Wi-Fi router handle network addressing duties unless there’s a server on your local area network that does that function. Network addressing is when devices request and subsequently get important network addresses, Domain Name Services, and default gateway information.

Avoid manually configuring IP addresses or allowing many devices to act as network addressing authority for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. Attempts like this will not work out well since you will probably run into problems and find it difficult to utilize your device correctly on other available networks. There should only be one DHCP server on your network, and your Wi-Fi router should typically handle this role.

Set DHCP Lease Time

For networks in homes or offices, set it to 8 hours; for hotspots or guest networks, set it to 1 hour.

The period of time allotted to a device during which its IP address is reserved for it is known as the DHCP lease time.

Wi-Fi routers can only assign a certain number of IP addresses to devices in a network. If that number is exhausted, the router cannot assign IP addresses to new devices, which prevents such devices from interacting with other devices on the network and the Internet. The router can recover and redistribute unused IP addresses more rapidly by shortening the DHCP lease period.

Enable Location Services For Wi Fi Connections

Apple advises turning on Location Services for Wi-Fi networking since the capability helps devices connect consistently, even in diverse areas where conventional Wi-Fi channels and signal levels change. Location Services also helps features that rely on Wi-Fi for some portion of their functioning, such as AirPlay, function properly.

Although the procedure varies depending on the device on macOS Ventura, you can verify the Wi Fi settings by going to System Settings, selecting Privacy & Security, Location Services, and then System Services Details. Make sure the Networking and Wireless radio button is turned on, as illustrated below.

Set NAT to Enabled

If your router is the sole device on the network offering NAT, set it to Enabled.

Translating addresses on the internet to addresses on your network is called network address translation, or NAT. To comprehend NAT, picture a company’s postal department, where deliveries sent to workers at the business’ street address are forwarded to employee offices inside the structure.

Generally speaking, merely turn on NAT on your router. Devices may experience “double NAT,” which occurs when NAT is activated on several devices—for example, your cable modem and router—which might prevent them from accessing specific network or internet services.

Set Wi Fi Multimedia to Enabled

Multimedia over Wi-Fi helps prioritize network communications. By prioritizing voice and video calls on a wireless network, for instance, the technology contributes to preserving voice and video quality. The function should be enabled on any Wi-Fi router that supports Wi-Fi 4 and later; according to Apple, doing so will improve network reliability and performance.

Safeguarding Your MacOS WiFi with SecureW2

Keeping your macOS devices secure with robust Wi-Fi settings is becoming more than just a suggestion—it’s a need. As cyber threats evolve, it is critical to prioritize the safety of your sensitive data and devices. Encryption, turning off weak features like WPS, and regularly updating firmware may greatly decrease cyber attacks.

Nevertheless, maintaining WiFi settings for security may be challenging, especially in business settings. Here’s where the onboarding solution from SecureW2 comes into play. The auto-revocation policy for users of Jamf and Intune, as well as native interaction with popular MDMs like JAMF and Mosyle, make Wi-Fi security management for macOS devices easier with SecureW2. Make the Most of JoinNow MultiOS, our self-service onboarding solution, to guarantee smooth configuration and strong defense against any attacks.

Contact us now to find out more and rapidly strengthen your Wi-Fi security.

The post Best WiFi Security Settings MacOS appeared first on SecureW2.

What is an X.509 Digital Certificate? Tue, 26 Mar 2024 19:41:24 +0000 X.509 certificates are forms of identification that leverage public-private key cryptography. They are a secure replacement for passwords.

The post What is an X.509 Digital Certificate? appeared first on SecureW2.

With a reported 65% of people reusing their passwords, and an ever-increasing number of accounts requiring secure logins, it’s clear that an alternative to password-based authentication is necessary. Digital X.509 certificates are an intriguing alternative – like photo IDs, they’re tied to one specific user or device and don’t require users to remember complex passwords.

Passwordless authentication has become a bit of a meaningless buzzword these days, but certificates make it achievable and secure our digital identities. In this article, we’ll examine what a public key certificate can be used for, the sophisticated cryptography that makes them so secure, and what you need to implement them on an organization-wide scale.

What is an X.509 Certificate?

In short, an X.509 certificate is a widely used digital certificate format based on the security of asymmetric cryptography and an interface language called Abstract Syntax Notation. Imagine them as similar to a photo ID; anyone can use a simple password, but certificates are bound to one specific person or device, like a photo ID. Instead of authenticating by typing in a password, the device proves it’s authorized with its certificate through transport layer security protocols. X.509 certificates are also often used to verify sites and servers based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards.

These certificates are generated and managed by a type of infrastructure called a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKIs are comprised of multiple pieces, including Certificate Authorities (CAs) and a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). A root CA is at the core, and its main purpose is to provide an authoritative source for its intermediate CAs, which are in turn used to issue X.509 certificates to individual users or devices.

Public Key and Private Key Pairs: How Certificates Work

Every X.509 certificate is based on a common principle: asymmetric cryptography, which is also sometimes referred to as public key cryptography. This type of cryptography uses a key pair comprised of a public key and a private key. The use of this key pair is why X.509 certificates are sometimes also referred to as public key certificates.

Cryptographic key pairs are essentially long strings of numbers that are mathematically related to each other. Together, the public key and private key can be used to decrypt and encrypt data sent by and to the X.509 certificate holder. The public key is used to encrypt the data, while the private key, on the other hand, is used to decrypt the encrypted data from the public key.

Private keys and public keys play two vital and separate roles, but the private key is especially important. A private key is what proves the user’s identity because only the party that has access to the private key can use it. Public keys are sent to the public – exactly as the name implies. Anyone can have access to the public key certificate’s public key.

Importance of Certificate Key Storage

Storing the cryptographic key pairs securely is vital – especially the private halves. There are different strategies for storing them safely, but one of the best is to ensure that they’re generated and kept on the device requesting a certificate at all times. This is often done with the use of a special cryptographic processor called a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

Key storage is a complicated topic and is especially crucial for any CA certificate since the CA certificate allows CAs to issue certificates in response to a certificate request. You can read more in-depth information about the topic in our research about key storage methods.

Common X.509 Certificate Fields & Attributes

Example of X.509 Certificate Fields

An X.509 certificate is comprised of certificate fields and attributes that provide information about the user, the certificate issuer, and the cryptographic parameters of the certificate itself. These certificate fields are laid out in what’s referred to as an X.509 certificate template. The templates can vary – depending on the public key infrastructure, you may be able to customize the templates as necessary.

However, there are many attributes that are commonly used, and we’ll define some of the more common ones below.

  • Subject/Subject Alternative Name (SAN): The name of the user or device the certificate is being issued to. 
  • Serial Number: The serial number is an identifying number the issuing certificate authority assigns to each certificate it issues. Some PKIs allow you to search by certificate serial number to find specific certificates.
  • Signature Algorithm: The private key’s algorithm, which is usually RSA 2048. 
  • Subject Public Key Information: The public key linked to the certificate.
  • Validity Period: A date range in which the certificate is considered valid. 
  • Issuer: The issuing CA’s name. 
  • DNS: Used to imprint the certificate with the device’s information. 
  • Other Name: User principal name. This field is usually used to indicate the user’s identity for Wi-Fi connections specifically.
  • Enhanced Key Usage: What the certificate is being used to authenticate for.

You can easily see an X.509 certificate yourself right now. Secure websites are issued X.509 certificates by a widely trusted certificate authority to verify the site is who it says it is. As an example, you can go to any website – including this blog’s page – and click the lock icon by the URL.

X.509 Certificate Use Cases & Applications

An X.509 certificate can be used for numerous applications besides verifying website identity. The technology behind Public Key Infrastructure has a plethora of use cases in organizations today, including the following:

Secure Email Signatures

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (or S/MIME, for short) is when a Public Key Infrastructure is used to enroll an email client for an X.509 certificate. Thanks to the technology of public and private keys, S/MIME can verify the identity of senders and encrypt the messages being sent.

In practice, an email sent by someone using S/MIME will be marked with a ribbon icon to prove that the sender is who they say they are and that the contents of the email have not been tampered with. This is especially important for preventing phishing attacks. It also provides the technology for a secure digital signature.

Client Authentication

One especially popular use for digital certificates is client authentication. Put simply, client authentication is when the X.509 certificate key pair is used in place of a password to log in to a protected resource, verifying digital identities.

Cloud applications, VPNs, and even wired or wireless/Wi-Fi internet access are examples of things you can use digital certificates to authenticate.

Code Signing

Just as emails can be secured with digital certificates, so, too, can code – and it functions similarly. With an X.509 certificate, developers can apply digital signatures to their applications, certifying that the application hasn’t been tampered with.

Most applications in mobile app stores, such as the Apple App Store and the Google App store, have to receive this type of X.509 certificate before they can list their applications in the store. However, code signing certificates can also be used in a private sense with an internal certificate authority to verify for users within an organization that an application provided by their organization is secure.

Document Signing

X.509 certificates can also be used to digitally sign documents in addition to emails and code. By applying unique digital signatures to a document, and encrypting those digital signatures with the certificate’s private key, anyone who looks at the document can be sure it is authentic. Document signing is an excellent way to protect the integrity of valuable digital documents.

Web Servers

Finally, digital certificates see wide use in web server security. They can ensure users only contact legitimate servers – and therefore legitimate pages – as opposed to fake or insecure ones that could steal their information.

As we mentioned above, you can find any website’s certificate by clicking the lock icon in front of the URL in your browser. These are called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates.

Stages of the X.509 Certificate Lifecycle & Public Key Infrastructure Components


A user cannot generate a certificate themselves. They must enroll for an X.509 certificate by requesting one from a certificate authority. Because individuals have their own differing levels of technical literacy, this can be challenging – and it would be time-consuming for administrators to do this manually for every device.

This is why onboarding technology is crucial for certificate management. With the right services, administrators can leverage much of their existing infrastructure for this process. For devices managed by MDMs such as Intune or Jamf, Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) can be used to issue X.509 certificates automatically to devices without any end-user input.

X.509 Certificate Enrollment with SCEP

Unmanaged devices/BYODs can be trickier. However, there are onboarding services, such as our JoinwNow MultiOS, that can help end-users enroll for their own X.509 certificates in a matter of minutes.

Validation & Authentication

Certificate-Based RADIUS Authentication

An X.509 certificate needs to be authenticated by something, which is often a RADIUS server. RADIUS servers, in short, are similar to virtual guards at the door. They can check that an X.509 certificate is valid and turn away any devices that lack a valid certificate, denying access to your wireless and wired networks or VPNs.

Certificate-based RADIUS authentication generally follows these steps:

  1. Checking that the X.509 certificate is within its validity period (unexpired)
  2. Checking that the certificate’s revocation status on the CRL
  3. Sending the device an ACCESS_ACCEPT or ACCESS_DENY packet based on the previous steps.

Cloud RADIUS takes it a step further with identity lookup. After steps one and two, Cloud RADIUS can also check your Identity Provider in real-time and apply policies based on information contained in the X.509 certificate template.


X.509 Certificate Revocation List

At the end of its lifecycle, an X.509 certificate should be revoked. The reasons for revocation can vary based on your organization’s policies. Some may revoke certificates when they’re not used to authenticate for a specific period of time, others may revoke certificates after lengths of time called validity periods.

When an X.509 certificate is revoked, it’s added to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). As more revoked certificates are added in time, abbreviated CRLs called delta CRLs may also be used. Some PKIs may also use Online Certificate Standard Protocol (OCSP) instead to revoke certificates, which is common for web servers.

What is the Simplest Way to Deploy Certificate-Based Authentication?

What You See with Certificates vs Passwords

While many organizations agree that X.509 certificates are a more secure alternative to passwords for verifying digital identities and more, including Microsoft, there’s been hesitation to adopt them. Building a PKI on your own is difficult, requiring expertise, time, and resources.

But you don’t need to build a PKI on your own. With a managed PKI service like SecureW2’s, your organization can deploy a full PKI quickly while relying on our team of experts. We provide you with everything you need to go truly passwordless, including a Cloud RADIUS server to authenticate your X.509 certificates and onboarding technology to issue them to both managed and unmanaged devices.

If you’d like to learn more, reach out to us today for a demo so we can show you our passwordless platform in action.

The post What is an X.509 Digital Certificate? appeared first on SecureW2.

Root vs Intermediate Certificate Authorities Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:15:11 +0000 One of the main problems in online communication is trust. Let’s say you communicate with your bank through their website: how can you be sure the bank’s page is real and that a third party is not imitating it and ...

The post Root vs Intermediate Certificate Authorities appeared first on SecureW2.

One of the main problems in online communication is trust. Let’s say you communicate with your bank through their website: how can you be sure the bank’s page is real and that a third party is not imitating it and attempting to steal your data?

Your device and the bank’s page need to establish trust. Trust is based on the fact that we can have a method to identify an entity correctly. When communicating over the internet, entities can use certificates as their identities. A digital certificate, defined in the Internet-standard X.509, is a secure method of guaranteeing the identity of entities that communicate online. It uses advanced and secure cryptography to provide an efficient way to work with users’ identities. The complex cryptography ensures that users are protected from outside threats when online.

This article will simplify certificates by covering the basics of root vs. intermediate certificates, certificate authorities (CAs), and why SSL/TLS certificates are widely used for internet browsing.

Client vs. Server Certificates

Before we define root certificates, intermediate certificates, and certificate authorities, let’s cover the difference between a client certificate and a server or SSL certificate. It’s pretty straightforward: The client certificate verifies the identity of the end-user device, and the server certificate verifies the server’s identity.

Let’s consider how the architecture of a web application works. It usually has a server where the application is stored and the functions to be executed behind it, as well as probably a database, among other elements. The web page, visual elements, and everything the end-user interacts with is part of the web client. This server-client relationship is also present in the way certificates are defined.

With this setup, we have a certificate at the server level and a certificate for the client. In this way, each certificate verifies the respective identities of both the server and the client. The client certificate verifies the end user’s identity, and the server certificate authenticates the site’s owner with whom we communicate.

For example, if we search Wikipedia, the domain name “” has an SSL certificate that your web browser can use to verify that you are connecting to the Wikipedia page and not elsewhere.

What are Certificate Authorities (CAs)?

Certificate Authorities (CAs) are trusted entities responsible for issuing digital certificates. These certificates serve as digital passports, providing authentication and enabling encrypted connections between web servers and browsers. By verifying the identities of individuals and organizations, CAs help to create a trusted environment where data can be securely exchanged. They form the backbone of secure online communication, ensuring users can confidently navigate the web, engage in e-commerce, and exchange information without fear of interception or fraud. Through a rigorous validation process, CAs maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of the internet. Let’s now look into root certificates and intermediate certificates.

What are Root Certificate Authorities?

Root certificate authorities are the top-tier authorities in the certification hierarchy. They own the master certificates, the root certificates, that lie at the heart of trust for the internet. These root certificates are pre-installed in major browsers and operating systems’ trust stores, making them inherently trusted by devices worldwide. The trust model of root certificate authorities relies on the inherent trust placed in them by software manufacturers, application developers, and end-users. Their certificates are embedded into browsers and devices, making them automatically trusted by users worldwide.

Root CAs are established through a rigid and secure process that involves generating a unique root certificate. This root certificate’s private key must be guarded with the highest level of security, as its compromise could undermine the trust model of literally every certificate issued under its hierarchy. Despite their critical role, root certificate authorities are not without their limitations and vulnerabilities. The security of the entire trust model relies on the secure storage and handling of the root certificate’s private key. Any compromise could have far-reaching implications for online security.

What are Intermediate Certificate Authorities?

Intermediate CAs serve as the bridge between the root certificate authorities and the end-user or server certificates. They act under the authority of root certificate authorities but take on the day-to-day responsibilities of validating and issuing certificates to end entities. After performing the required checks and validations, they function by issuing certificates to entities or individuals.

They use a certificate signed by a root CA, which adds assurance that they are trusted to issue secure and valid certificates. Unlike root certificate authorities, intermediate CAs can be more freely distributed and do less risk to the overarching trust model if compromised due to their position in the certificate chain of trust being one step removed from the root CA itself.

Benefits of Using Intermediate CAs

Using intermediate CAs offers several advantages. They reduce the risk to root CAs by acting as a buffer. If an intermediate CA is compromised, its certificate can be revoked without affecting the root certificate authorities or other intermediate certificate authorities. This structure also allows for more flexible management and distribution of certificates, enabling businesses and organizations to issue their certificates under the guidance of an intermediate CA without direct interaction with the more sensitive root CA.

What is the Relationship Between Intermediate CAs and Root CAs?

The relationship between intermediate CAs and root CAs is symbiotic. While root CAs provide the ultimate source of trust, intermediate CAs extend the reach of this trust by issuing certificates down the certificate chain. This structure allows for scalability in issuing certificates, with the root CA only needing to manage a relatively small number of intermediate CAs directly.

The Chain of Trust

In a public key infrastructure (PKI), certificates are issued in a very specific order in what is known as a Trust Chain. A chain of trust is a series of certificates linking an end-user or server certificate to a trusted root certificate. This chain ensures that any given certificate is legitimate and can be traced back to a root CA that is widely recognized and trusted. CAs build the certificate chains by issuing certificates signed with their private key. When a certificate is verified, the signature is checked against the public key of the issuing CA. If it matches, the process continues until it reaches a root certificate authority recognized by the device’s trust store. The diagram below shows us a certificate chain and how each aspect is featured.

How do Root Certificates Establish Trust?

Root certificate authorities lie at the foundation of the trust model. Their root certificates are the ultimate source of trust, against which all other certificates are validated. Since these root certificates come pre-installed in trust stores of major browsers and operating systems, any certificate chain that links back to these root CAs is considered valid. This foundational trust is why root CAs operate under extremely strict guidelines to ensure the security and integrity of the root certificates they issue.

How Intermediate Certificates Extend Trust

Intermediate CAs extend this trust by issuing certificates to end entities while being directly linked to a root CA. This extension allows for a more flexible and secure distribution of certificates. It also enables root CAs to keep their keys more secure by not using them frequently, which reduces the risk of compromise. Intermediate CAs act as a buffer, taking on the risks of certificate issuance while protecting the root certificate’s integrity.

Differences Between Root and Intermediate CAs

Now let’s look at the difference between root and intermediate CAs:

Root CAs Intermediate CAs
Authority and Hierarchical Position At the top of the certification authority hierarchy; they have the ultimate authority. Sit below root CAs in the hierarchy; they derive their authority from a root CA.
Trust and Certification Paths Serve as the starting point of trust; their root certificates are directly installed in trust stores. Extend trust; their intermediate certificates are not directly installed in trust stores but are trusted through their chain back to a root CA.
Issuance Policies and Constraints Subject to the most stringent issuance policies due to their foundational role in trust. Operate under policies set by the root CA, with some flexibility based on the scope of their issuance.
Security Measures and Practices Employ the most rigorous security practices to safeguard their private keys and root certificates. Also maintain strong security measures but operate under the oversight of root CAs.
Scope of Issued Certificates Typically do not issue root certificates widely; their primary role is to create intermediate CAs. Actively issue intermediate certificates to end entities like websites, email servers, and users.
Audit and Compliance Requirements Undergo the most strict audit requirements to ensure their operations and security measures are impeccable. Subject to rigorous audits as well, but the focus is more on how they manage issuance and maintain the chain of trust.
Vulnerability and Compromise Impact A compromise can have widespread implications, potentially undermining trust in a wide array of services and applications. While a compromise is severe, its impact can be more contained, and the intermediate CA can be more easily replaced or its certificate revoked.

SecureW2: Simple PKI Certificate Management for You

SecureW2 offers an end-to-end public key infrastructure service that significantly simplifies the management of certificate authorities, making it easier for organizations to deploy and maintain a robust security framework. With capabilities that include the automation of certificate issuance and renewal processes, SecureW2 ensures that the chain of trust remains unbroken and secure across all user devices and applications. This managed service eliminates the traditional complexities associated with certificate management, such as manual certificate signing requests (CSRs), enrollment, and installation, thereby reducing the incidence of misconfigured certificates and vulnerabilities.

SecureW2’s Cloud PKI as a Service that Seamlessly Fits Your Environment

SecureW2’s cloud-based PKI solution integrates seamlessly with existing directories, does not require any hardware, and offers a user-friendly experience, making it ideal for organizations of any size looking to bolster their security posture. By leveraging SecureW2’s Managed PKI, organizations can ensure that their Root and Intermediate CAs are managed efficiently, aligning perfectly with this article’s focus on creating a trustworthy and secure internet environment. Check out our pricing page for more information.

The post Root vs Intermediate Certificate Authorities appeared first on SecureW2.

WPA vs WPA2: Which Should You Use? Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:14:40 +0000 Wireless networks are omnipresent. You may have access to many wireless networks, whether in a neighborhood coffee shop, a school, or home. However, it’s hard to tell which ones are secure. Looking closely at Wi Fi security settings can often ...

The post WPA vs WPA2: Which Should You Use? appeared first on SecureW2.

Wireless networks are omnipresent. You may have access to many wireless networks, whether in a neighborhood coffee shop, a school, or home. However, it’s hard to tell which ones are secure. Looking closely at Wi Fi security settings can often determine which ones you can trust. Wireless network security solutions are continually changing. They have had to adapt and improve since hackers and cybercriminals are likewise becoming more sophisticated with every technological innovation.

While Wi-Fi has altered how we work, there are threats and obstacles, too. The two most prevalent security protocols for safeguarding your unsecured wireless networks are WPA and WPA2. Organizations and their employees must become more knowledgeable about the distinctions between the two and the varying degrees of security they provide. We compare WPA vs. WPA2 and review the background of the security protocols to help you understand your alternatives.

Click here to learn how SecureW2 partnered with an Engineering firm for their network authentication.

What is WPA (Wi Fi Protected Access)?

Introduced in 2003, Wi Fi Protected Access WPA is a secure encryption protocol created to address and replace the weaknesses of the Wired Equivalent Privacy WEP method. WPA implements stronger encryption features, such as:

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)

The static WEP encryption keys were replaced with the dynamic 128-bit TKIP key. Furthermore, the TKIP algorithm was developed to enable TKIP upgrades without requiring hardware replacement for users of outdated WLAN equipment.

Message Integrity Check (MIC)

MIC stops attacks on encrypted packets sent over the network. In this instance, an encrypted message delivered across the network is intercepted, changed, and retransmitted by an attacker. By using MIC, these packets become impenetrable to tampering.

Pre-shared key (PSK)

Encrypted communication delivered across the network is unlocked using PSK. By intercepting transmitted wireless data packets, hackers attempt to crack the encryption using brute force assaults, which PSK helps to thwart. Even with these advantages, WPA still has several security flaws.

What are the Vulnerabilities in WPA?

While WPA’s encryption method is more secure than its predecessor, WEP protocol, the new TKIP encryption scheme, must consider backward compatibility with older WEP devices. As a result, the WPA protocol reused some components of the previous, vulnerable WEP system, and naturally, the same flaws eventually surfaced in the upgraded WPA system.

Security flaws in the WPS standard

Many wireless routers that enable WPA come equipped with the network security standard Wi-Fi Protected Setup, or WPS. WPS, however, was designed with ease of use in mind. Therefore, using WPS to connect to the network usually entails a significant security trade-off. An attacker can quickly authenticate your network and retrieve your WiFi password if they can gain the WPS 8-digit PIN using brute force.

Why are digital certificates a safer option than PSK?

Regarding Wi-Fi network security, digital certificates provide a vital substitute for conventional password-based authentication. In contrast to passwords, which are easily lost, stolen, or used maliciously, digital certificates offer a more secure form of user authentication. Certificates protect sensitive data sent over the air using public/private key encryption, eliminating the necessity for Wi-Fi Pre-Shared Keys (PSKs). This implies that your Wi-Fi network is naturally more secure when passwords are not involved.

A significant benefit of digital certificates is the enhanced safety they provide. With certificates, every connection has more identification context, which makes it more difficult for hostile actors to eavesdrop or spoof conversations. SecureW2’s managed PKI platform is one example of a solution that makes managing and deploying certificates easy. With its user-friendly certificate management tools, this cloud-based public key infrastructure (PKI as a service) makes activities like network authentication, document signing, and code signing easier. Through contemporary automation technologies, establishments may guarantee the control and efficiency of each phase of the certificate lifecycle, therefore augmenting security and operational effectiveness.

For Wi-Fi network authentication, digital certificates provide a more secure option than passwords, to sum up. Organizations may benefit from improved security and streamlined certificate lifecycle management by simply deploying and managing certificates with SecureW2’s managed PKI platform. By implementing certificate-based authentication, businesses may improve their cybersecurity posture and reduce the dangers associated with password-based authentication.

What is WPA2?

The WiFi security protocol known as WPA2 – Wi Fi protected access 2 was released to fix the flaws in the WPA system. WPA2 replaced TKIP with more sophisticated encryption methods, such as

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

AES is a block cipher that uses a formula and a fixed same key to operate on discrete data blocks. WPA uses the RC4 stream cipher, which is less secure than AES for wireless networks. AES provides more robust encryption and more resilient protection.

Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP)

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption technique is the foundation for the CCMP encryption protocol. By comparison, CCMP provides more security than TKIP. However, CCMP’s improved security and privacy necessitate more processing power, frequently requiring new hardware.

WPA2 functions in two ways:

  • WPA2 Personal (PSK): This mode is typically utilized in residences.
  • WPA2 Enterprise (EAP): This mode is better suited for usage in businesses or organizations.

What is the difference between Personal (PSK) and Enterprise (EAP) WPA2?

The authentication methods used for users and endpoints are the main distinction between WPA2-Personal and WPA2-Enterprise.

Now, let’s discuss WPA2-Personal. As its name implies, this architecture is suitable for residential networks. Pre-shared keys, often known as passwords, are used by WPA2-Personal and must be entered by users to join the WiFi network.

However, since only one password must be entered, everyone using the computer linked to the network may view the password. Using this approach on a corporate network is not advised.

On the other hand, WPA2-Enterprise offers the necessary privacy and security to protect wireless networks in a corporate setting. It is more difficult to set up, though. WPA2-Enterprise only applies when an 802.1x RADIUS server is connected for client authentication.

It provides centralized management of WiFi network access. Users must provide their login information (password and username) when attempting to join the network.

Because every device is verified before connecting, enterprise-grade security is ensured. A private, encrypted tunnel is also established between the device and the secure network.

WPA2-PSK vs WPA2-EAP – Comparison table

Unmanaged authentication. The pre-shared key is common to all users. Centrally controlled authentication. Every user has a distinct set of login credentials.
Authentication server is not required. An authentication server (RADIUS) supporting the EAP 802.1x policy is required.
Used when there are few, trustworthy devices on the network. Used in networks with many connected devices, such as those seen in business settings.

How can a RADIUS Server Help Eliminate Vulnerabilities in Wireless Networks?

Putting in place a RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server is a vital first step in strengthening the security framework of your wireless network. A RADIUS server is a gatekeeper, validating each network access request to ensure that only authorized people and devices are allowed admission. By providing a RADIUS platform created especially for passwordless authentication, SecureW2 is changing the way businesses authenticate people and devices on their networks.

The SecureW2 RADIUS solution was rigorously designed to eliminate the risks of standard password-based authentication techniques. SecureW2’s passwordless RADIUS solution uses certificate-driven solid security instead of passwords, which are prone to theft and compromise. This method, which links user and device identities to every connection, improves authentication security for various network services, including Wi-Fi, VPNs, and Single-Sign-on. Enterprises may benefit from comprehensive monitoring and division functionalities, augmenting their network’s security posture.

One of the best features of SecureW2’s passwordless RADIUS solution is its ability to simplify authentication procedures while enhancing security. Employees may access network resources without the hassle of keeping passwords since password complexity and reset procedures are gradually becoming obsolete. Furthermore, there is a far lower chance of credential thefts from cloud-based or over-the-air assaults. The solution also allows organizations to prevent untrusted devices from connecting to the network to strengthen security measures further.

Furthermore, SecureW2’s passwordless RADIUS solution provides managed company-owned devices with zero-touch configuration and enrollment via managed device gateway APIs and self-service certificate registration for unmanaged devices and BYODs. This smooth interaction with current network infrastructures streamlines the deployment and maintenance procedures, guaranteeing a hassle-free experience for administrators and end users. By utilizing SecureW2’s passwordless RADIUS solution, organizations may improve their network security, reduce vulnerabilities, and adopt a more effective and secure authentication paradigm.

WPA vs WPA2: The Difference

When released in 2004, WPA2 was presented as the updated and enhanced version of WPA. While this is undoubtedly true, there are some situations where one may be more appropriate. We must examine the differences between these security procedures to comprehend this.

The main distinction is between AES and TKIP encryption techniques. Moreover, WPA passwords are shorter than WPA2 passwords. Longer passwords are preferable in password etiquette as they are more challenging to crack.

Regarding WPA vs WPA2, WPA may handle older software, while WPA2 is intended for the newest systems. Crucially, WPA2 has an enterprise version specifically designed for use in businesses, much like its predecessor. This indicates that WPA2 comes in two versions: personal and enterprise. Each employee and corporate device is given unique credentials while using the enterprise version to improve security. Because of this, WPA2 is a straightforward option for companies and other organizations.

The sole drawback of WPA2 over its more traditional competitor is that it may require more power because of its higher speed, which might cause network performance to lag.

When to use WPA?

WPA’s encryption process could be more secure, and an enterprise solution cannot support commercial use. However, WPA could be a better alternative if you are ready to accept security compromises and have older hardware. It also consumes less processing resources.

When to use WPA2?

Wi-Fi encryption protocol WPA2 is suitable for both home and corporate use. AES-CCMP encryption provides enhanced security, and a dedicated corporate solution facilitates business network management. Since its launch, WPA2 has been the industry standard for wireless security protocols. The Wi-Fi Alliance mandated that WPA2 be used for security on any device wearing the Wi-Fi trademark.

Final Verdict – WPA2 is the Safest Choice

WPA2 is the safest option due to its enhanced security features, which include Enterprise settings, more extended password requirements, and an extra layer of protection. However, WPA provides some security if your connection is sluggish or you have outdated firmware.

Elevating Wi-Fi Security: The SecureW2 Advantage

The decision between the two encryption methods in the continuing conflict between WPA and WPA2 comes down to more than simply a taste for the newest hardware. It has to do with protecting your network against changing threats and weaknesses.

With its extensive solutions, SecureW2 is a game-changer in pursuing strong Wi-Fi security. Organizations can quickly implement and manage digital certificates with SecureW2’s Managed PKI, protecting their networks from new threats without having to deal with the headaches of complicated PKI setups. Furthermore, password-based system vulnerabilities are eliminated by SecureW2’s passwordless Cloud RADIUS, which also revolutionizes authentication by guaranteeing that only authorized users and devices can access network resources. With a dedication to innovation, security, and ease of use, SecureW2 enables businesses to strengthen their Wi-Fi security posture and keep one step ahead of emerging cyber threats.

Contact us to learn more about how we can defend the Wi-Fi network at your organization.

The post WPA vs WPA2: Which Should You Use? appeared first on SecureW2.

Certificate Signing Requests: Explained Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:01:41 +0000 X.509 digital certificates use the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to certify a public key to a user, device, or service identity embedded in the certificate. A PKI encapsulates the framework to use a certificate signing request (CSR) and enables ...

The post Certificate Signing Requests: Explained appeared first on SecureW2.

X.509 digital certificates use the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to certify a public key to a user, device, or service identity embedded in the certificate. A PKI encapsulates the framework to use a certificate signing request (CSR) and enables users and servers to generate digital certificates like a TLS/SSL certificate.

In a PKI, a certificate signing request (CSR) is a message sent to the certificate authority to get a digital certificate. A certificate signing request (CSR) contains information like the public key, domain name, and the corresponding signatures needed to generate a certificate.

Read on to learn about CSR generation, the process of generating a certificate in the JoinNow Connector PKI, and see how our vendor-neutral PKI makes shifting to certificate-based authentication easy.

What Is a Certificate Signing Request?

A PKI contains the framework for a certificate signing request (CSR), which helps users and servers obtain SSL and TLS certificates. A CSR is sent to the certificate authority to obtain a digital certificate. Signing certificates starts with the client generating a key pair known as the private and public keys. The key is then signed with the private key and sent to the certificate authority to generate a digital certificate. Upon verification, the CA sends the certificate to the applicant. A certificate can contain the following:

  • Fully qualified domain name
  • Legal Name of an Organization
  • Organization unit
  • City/State
  • Country
  • Email ID
  • The public key for which the certificate is to be issued
  • Unique identifying name
  • Proof of authenticity. e.g., digital signature. The Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) follow the Public Key Cryptography Standard #10 (PKCS #10), the format used to send a message to certify a public key.

Image Courtesy: Medium

Structure of a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

A Certificate Signing Request consists of three main parts: 

  • Certification Request Information that contains pertinent information like the public key
  • Signature Algorithm Identifier
  • Digital Signature Identifier

The CSR must also provide the email ID of the user or the organization if it is for a business entity. 

A PKCS#10 in ASN.1 format for CSR:

The Public Key Cryptography Standard #10 (PKCS #10) stands for certificate signing request (CSR) syntax. It is a security standard produced and distributed by RSA Data Security Inc. and consists of a name, public key, and set of attributes.

The Abstract Syntax Notation.1 (ASN.1) is a notation describing the data transmitted by a telecommunication protocol. The ASN.1 transmits information in any form to anywhere and covers the structural information.

Here is the syntax of how a PKCS#10 CSR is generated in an ASN.1 format


ASN.1 type CertificationRequestInfo, consists of a version number, the subject name, public key (algorithm identifier + a bit string), and additional attributes about the purpose of the certificate.

The attributes include extensions, a challenge password to curtail revocations, and other information like the subject and the types of certs (local or future).

The Process of Certificate Signing Requests & Generating a Private Key

SSL certificates and other types of certificates follow a similar CSR process. The process is as follows:

  1. The applicant generates a key pair, i.e., the private and the public key.
  2. The applicant places the private key securely, such as a hardware crypto device like a USB or a token or software like Windows Key Store, Mac Keychain, etc.
  3. Then, they generate a PKCS#10 structure which contains the subject, the public key generated in the above step, and additional attributes.
  4. Next, the applicant signs the PKCS#10 private key generated above.
  5. CA receives PKCS#10 and sends a standard request/response protocol (CMP, CMC, EST, SCEP, XKMS, CA proprietary interface, etc.) or PKCS#10 to CA using the SMTP protocol.
  6. CA verifies the signature with the public key.
  7. Upon successful signature verification, it is proven that the applicant possesses the corresponding private key.
  8. CA sends the certificate and the certificate chain to the applicant.

Explaining the Certificate Trust Chain To Establish Certificate Authority

A Trust Chain is the specific order in which certificates are issued in a PKI.

A secure certificate chain begins with a root certificate issued by the CA and is followed by one or more intermediate certs. Lastly, the end certificate is issued, known as the Trust anchor. 

Here’s a diagram illustrating the certificate chain and its aspects:

Root Certificate:

The first certificate issued by a CA in a trust chain is the Root certificate. Known as a trusted root, the Root certificate is endorsed by a trusted CA and is a step before issuing intermediate CAs. Root certificates are obtained from the root stores. Devices contain root stores that are native to their operating system. 

A root certificate must be secured well. Otherwise, the transmission would need to be improved. To utilize the Root certificate effectively, they are preloaded in internet browsers and on devices existing on a network.

Intermediate Certificate:

An intermediate CA connects the root CA and the user to obtain an end-user certificate. CAs cannot issue certificates from their root store. Thus, a CA uses Root certificates to sign and issue intermediate certificates. These are used to issue end-user certificates in the final step of the trust chain.  

A CA’s verification protocols function to protect the Root certificate. Thus, intermediate certs are issued to secure the protocol, helping to prevent the Root certificate from getting revoked.

End-User Certificate:

A Root CA does not produce end-user certificates. Intermediate CAs get certificates from the Root CA and are used to sign end-user and server certificates. Numerous intermediate CAs can be configured between the Root and end-user certificates, thus giving rise to the Trust Chain.

How Does a Browser Authenticate SSL/TLS Certificates?

A website sends its SSL/TLS certificate to a browser to authenticate its web pages. The browser checks the following:

  • The integrity of the certificate as per its digital signature to prove that it originated from a legitimate server.
  • Validity to ensure the certificate is still active.
  • Revocation status from the Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

Upon verification, the browser and server initiate a TLS handshake to encrypt the connection. This ensures no malicious threat actors can get access, and the user can safely access the webpage. 

How to Obtain a User Certificate From Our JoinNow PKI

  1. Log in to our JoinNow Management portal with your credentials.
  1. Hover over “PKI” and select “Create Certificate.”

3. Enter the device information, i.e., the OS (Windows, Mac, etc.), a user description, and the device’s MAC address.


4. Scroll down to the “Certificate” section and enter the CA, common name, validity, override validity, and select Generate keypair and CSR. Then, enter the details as shown here

5. As you scroll down, enter your email address, URL, and other names (email ID) under the “SAN.” Then, select “Client Authentication” under the “Extended Key Usage” header.


6. Finally, select the certificate template name, policies, and your preference to receive the PKCS and click “Create.”

 7. The CA will generate a user certificate, which you can use immediately.

Vendor-Neutral PKI for CSRs and CA Generation

A trusted certificate authority is crucial to issuing digital certificates in a network. A trusted root CA signs impending intermediate CAs that go on to issue end-user and server certificates. This establishes a trust chain that protects the root certificate from any breaches. 

Click here to see how our customers adapted to digital certificates with our Managed PKI. 

A trusted CA can be obtained from a PKI, and SecureW2s managed PKI is a solution to all your needs. Our vendor-neutral PKI provides a turnkey solution for all your managed devices in the network. The solution is straightforward and can be set up in no time.

Head over here to try our solutions and secure your network right away. 

The post Certificate Signing Requests: Explained appeared first on SecureW2.

2024 Guide to Android Network Settings Tue, 26 Mar 2024 08:10:06 +0000 Android network settings are critical  for ensuring a seamless connectivity and security for users. These settings cover a variety of parameters controlling VPN connections, mobile data, and Wi-Fi, among other things. Comprehending and maintaining these settings is critical, as they ...

The post 2024 Guide to Android Network Settings appeared first on SecureW2.

Android network settings are critical  for ensuring a seamless connectivity and security for users. These settings cover a variety of parameters controlling VPN connections, mobile data, and Wi-Fi, among other things. Comprehending and maintaining these settings is critical, as they immediately influence data usage, device performance, and security.

The growth of many network settings, from corporate networks to public Wi-Fi hotspots, has made it more difficult for users to navigate and secure their connections. Keeping up with the complexities of these settings is essential for protecting organizational and personal data as technologies advance and cyber threats increase. This article is a thorough manual, equipping readers with the  necessary skills to negotiate the complex world of network settings successfully.

Where to Find Android Network Settings and Why They Matter

Android devices serve as our doorway to the digital world, relying primarily on reliable network connectivity. It’s critical for users to comprehend the Android network settings interface to navigate the complex maze of connectivity choices easily.

The Android network settings interface normally includes several choices that allow users to control different elements of their device’s network connections. This entails setting up VPNs, Wi-Fi networks, and mobile data plans, among other things. Users can access these options through the system menu on the device.

Secure network settings ensure a safer online experience and protect sensitive data. Since cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly complex, it is crucial to configure strong security measures inside the Android network settings. This entails implementing encryption procedures, creating strong passwords, and updating security patch releases.

By understanding the nuances of the Android network settings interface and emphasizing safe setups, users may create a robust network environment that minimizes potential risks and guarantees uninterrupted connectivity in the digital world.

Managing Wi-Fi Security Settings on Android

Wi-Fi Security Protocols

It’s important to understand the various Wi-Fi security protocols that are accessible when adjusting the security settings on your Android smartphone. Understanding these protocols at a fundamental level can help you make better choices regarding network security, even though they are usually configured on the router rather than the device itself.

Although it was one of the first encryption techniques, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is now out of date and vulnerable to security breaches. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and its descendant, WPA2, provide stronger encryption; WPA2 is the most often used for personal usage because of its Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. WPA3, the successor to WPA2, offers notable advancements in encryption, authentication, and attack resistance and defines higher security requirements for Wi-Fi connections. Understanding these protocols can help you enjoy safe Wi-Fi connections on your Android device and ensure your network is sufficiently secure.

Network Settings on Your Android Phone

Taking control of your Android phone’s advanced network settings allows you to customize your device’s connectivity to meet your needs exactly. With capabilities like Private DNS that protects your privacy and metered Wi-Fi that manages data use, these network experiences offer flexibility and security.

Control Data Use with Metered Wi-Fi

You can  easily control how much data your device uses if your Wi-Fi is set to metered or if you’re on a network with a data cap. To make this feature available:

  • Connect your tablet or phone to the internet.
  • Open the Settings app on your smartphone.
  • Click “Network & Internet” and then select “”
  • Pick the WiFi network that you are currently using.
  • Go to “Network usage” and choose “Treat as metered.

Find your Phone’s MAC Address

Finding the MAC address of your phone is necessary for several network-related operations, including configuring parental controls and resolving connectivity problems. How to get the MAC address of your device:

  • Open the Settings app on your smartphone.
  • Click “About phone.”
  • Move the cursor down to “Wi-Fi MAC address.

For Android 10 and higher devices:

  • Activate the WiFi.
  • Press “Network & Internet” and then select “”
  • After selecting your network, hit “Settings.
  • Scroll down to the “Randomised MAC address.

Enable Private DNS For Enhanced Security

Private DNS adds an extra degree of protection by encrypting DNS queries and answers and protecting your browsing activity from potential attacks. To activate your Android phone’s Private DNS:

  • Open the Settings app on your smartphone.
  • Press “Network & Internet” and subsequently “Private DNS.
  • Select “Off,” “Automatic,” or enter the hostname of your preferred private DNS service.
  • To make the changes effective, hit “Save“.

Network Setting Reset on Android: When and How?

Instances where Resetting Network Settings is Necessary

  1. Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues:

Network connectivity challenges sometimes happen on Android devices and can occur for various reasons, including software bugs, incompatible setups, or hardware issues. Resetting network settings can frequently fix connectivity issues  and also debug them since it removes obsolete or incorrect network configurations. Resetting network settings can aid in reestablishing connections with Bluetooth devices, mobile data, and Wi-Fi networks.

  1. Resolving Configuration Conflicts:

On Android devices, inconsistent network setups can occasionally cause unpredictable behavior or connection problems. This might happen if you store numerous network profiles or if your current network configuration is interfered with by settings from past connections. Resetting the device’s network settings to their initial configuration can efficiently settle configuration issues. Doing this removes all incompatible configurations, creating a blank slate that permits establishing new connections without hindrance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reset Network Settings on Android Devices

If your Android phone is having problems connecting to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or even a cellular connection, there might be a problem with your network configuration. The network settings on your Android determine what and how your smartphone may connect. Occasionally, these configurations may become messed up, preventing your device from connecting to anything nearby.

Thankfully, you always have the reset menu for the network settings. This will not erase your applications, pictures, or other data; only your stored WiFi passwords and connection data will be deleted. It should also assist in reestablishing Bluetooth or internet connectivity for your Android phone.

Here is how to reset an Android tablet or phone’s network settings:

  1. On your Android device, open the phone’s Settings app.
  2. Depending on your device, scroll to “General management” or “System” and tap it.

3.Tap “Reset” settings or “Reset options.”

4. Click on “Reset network settings.”

Using Certificate-Based Wi-Fi Authentication for Android Devices

Certificate-based Wi-Fi authentication is an effective way to secure Android devices without sacrificing user convenience. Android devices can reduce the risk of possible security breaches by using digital certificates to authenticate to Wi-Fi networks without sending passwords over the air. These certificates may be effortlessly linked with cloud identity providers like Azure, Okta, and Google, which improves organizational security measures. Certificate authentication ensures that Android devices only connect to trusted networks in an ideal 802.1X network configuration, limiting unwanted access. This method keeps strict security procedures in place while streamlining user authentication.

Enrolling Android Devices for Server Certificate Validation

Enrolling Android devices for server certificate validation is essential to strengthening network security without paying high costs for public certificate authorities (CAs). Although managed devices provide simple registration procedures, the increasing ubiquity of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) rules require user participation in enrolling.

Fortunately, organizations may avoid the hassles and costs associated with public CAs by integrating a complete PKI solution to expedite Android device enrollment. Our BYOD onboarding solution has an easy-to-use self-enrollment wizard and a configurable settings client.  As a way to provide a smooth and straightforward enrollment procedure,  it helps end users through the Android configuration process.

The framework our support team established means it’s astonishingly easy to set up our Advanced BYOD Onboarding Service. Typical setup guidelines consist of:

  • On your wireless controller or access point (AP), create an open SSID.
  • Create a redirect that leads to the main page of the SecureW2 Advanced Onboarding Service.
  • Connect the cloud RADIUS server to your Wireless LAN Controller (WLC).
  • Upload the port number, cloud RADIUS IP address, and shared secret.

For organizations, the JoinNow certificate distribution procedure with Android entails choosing a redirect URL for the captive portal and connecting it to a RADIUS server. Although establishing and setting up a RADIUS server might be difficult, our SecureW2 solutions have a top-notch Cloud RADIUS server that makes the process much easier.

Organizations may enroll Android devices for server certificate validation by utilizing our BYOD onboarding solution and following these setup instructions. This will strengthen their network security posture and guarantee an easy-to-use enrollment process for end users.

What’s New in Security Features in Android 14?

Google has rolled out cutting-edge cellular security capabilities, establishing Android as the first mobile operating system to do so. The improved security features will be available to both consumers and organizations.

Disabling 2G Support

With the release of Android 14, an important feature that allows IT administrators to disable 2G functionality on devices under management is included. Because 2G networks have inherent weaknesses, this precaution is extremely important. The danger of possible attacks and downgrades to less secure networks is reduced by turning off 2G support.

Disabling Null-Ciphered Cellular Connectivity

Android 14 also addresses the security flaw caused by null-ciphered cellular communications. Circuit-switched voice and SMS data are not encrypted, but IP-based user traffic is end-to-end. With the release of Android 14, users can prevent null-ciphered connections at the modem level, improving communication privacy and protecting private data.

Simplifying Wi-Fi Network Security For Android Devices with SecureW2

It is essential to comprehend and configure Android network settings to protect sensitive data and guarantee secure connections. As Wi-Fi settings become increasingly complicated, users need reliable options to maintain the security of their devices efficiently.

With SecureW2’s comprehensive platform, including JoinNow MultiOS, network security has never been simpler. Our solution ensures hassle-free onboarding across all platforms, including Android, by streamlining certificate enrollment and configuration for managed and unmanaged devices. Our RADIUS server also offers strong certificate authentication to improve network security further.

Install passwordless security solutions to ensure your Wi-Fi networks are secure, especially for Android devices. See our pricing options or request a free demo to experience the benefits for yourself.


The post 2024 Guide to Android Network Settings appeared first on SecureW2.

How To Prevent Man-in-the-middle Attacks Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:09:07 +0000 Man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM) or on-path attacks are becoming common and complex. Organizations are putting in a lot of effort to mitigate these risks to no avail. Phishing kits are freely available, enabling on-path attackers to utilize tools to launch an ...

The post How To Prevent Man-in-the-middle Attacks appeared first on SecureW2.

Man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM) or on-path attacks are becoming common and complex. Organizations are putting in a lot of effort to mitigate these risks to no avail. Phishing kits are freely available, enabling on-path attackers to utilize tools to launch an MITM attack. They steal MFA tokens to attack browser sessions, user credentials, or cookies, calling for more robust authentication, like phishing-resistant digital certificates that can’t be stolen or duplicated.

Network administrators must also be aware of securing their LAN network to prevent layer attacks like MITM and secure their network effectively.

What is a Man-in-the-middle Attack?

A typical cyber attack tactic, the MITM allows an on-path attacker to listen to communication between targeting parties.

Here, an attacker puts himself between a user and a server so that all conversations travel through him. The attacker can also play both sides, stealing the information a user sends to a server (such as login credentials, account details, and credit card numbers) and sending corrupted packets (such as malware or HTTP requests in a DDoS attack) to an innocent third party.

Image Courtesy:

An impostor or man-in-the-middle targets online sites requiring secure authentication through a public and private key.

Common Types of Man-in-the-middle Attack

Though the concept of MITM remains uniform throughout, the execution mode varies. A description of the various types of MITM attacks can be found here:

  1. IP Spoofing
  2. ARP Spoofing
  3. Session hijacking
  4. Rogue Access Points
  5. DNS Spoofing
  6. HTPPS Spoofing
  7. Man-in-the-browser attacks

IP Spoofing

IP spoofing creates Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a modified source address. The modified source address helps hide the sender’s identity and impersonate another device. Bad actors use this technique to invoke denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

An IP packet contains a header before the body with all the routing information and source address. The standard packet contains the sender’s IP address, but a spoofed packet will have a forged source address. An attacker can spoof the IP of the user and server to snoop between to and fro communication.

Image Courtesy: Okta

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Spoofing

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) helps network communication travel to a device on a network. ARP converts the IP to a Media Access Control (MAC) address and the other way around. A device uses ARP to speak to the router or a gateway to connect to the internet.

A forged ARP message allows the attacker to use his MAC address to steal cookies and intercept any traffic between the user and server. The ARP protocol does not verify the integrity of an ARP request, making it a weak link and opening the doors to ARP attacks.

Image Courtesy: Okta

Session Hijacking

A TCP session hijacking on a user session takes place over a protected network when authentication is typically done at the start of a session. An attacker uses a sniffer to perceive the device’s communication and snoop into the data transmitted between the server and the device. Some common ways of session hijacking are

Packet sniffing:

Packet sniffing involves capturing data across computer networks. Hackers use it to gather information on activities over a network, like sending and receiving emails, the subject and contents of emails, site sessions, and download history. They can also intercept sensitive information like passwords and credit card numbers and misuse them.

Image Courtesy:

XSS Attack (Cross-Site Scripts)

Using Javascript, an attacker can intercept a victim’s session ID with an XSS attack. The attacker can then send a malicious Javascript to the victim, and if the victim runs the script, the attacker can gain full access to his data. 

Rogue Access Points:

Any device with wireless cards tries to auto-connect to an access point with the strongest signal. This allows attackers to set their access points so devices are tricked into joining malicious connections with those malicious access points. If a victim joins an attacker’s network, his session can be manipulated.

A Rogue Access point is elementary because an attacker only needs proximity and nothing else to access a user’s device. 

DNS Spoofing

The Domain Name System acts as an index for the internet. It is used to regulate websites all over the globe. In a DNS Spoofing attack, an attacker uses a Domain Name System (DNS) and redirects a user to a fake website that looks legitimate. Once a user goes to a fraudulent page, he enters his credentials into the page visible to the attacker, who can take advantage of the information.

Image Courtesy: Okta

HTTPS Spoofing

A standard method to ensure that sites are DNS spoof-proof is to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. An HTTPS uses TLS (SSL) to encrypt any HTTP request, providing more security than an HTTP. An SSL certificate protects the web server’s identity, making it harder to spoof than an HTTP website.

However, an attacker can work around it by using non-ASCII characters like Turkish or Cyrillic that cannot be differentiated from other characters.

Man-in-the-browser Attacks

If an attacker has successfully installed a trojan horse on a user’s device, they can observe all online actions and exfiltrate that data to perform attacks. This attack is called a man-in-the-browser attack since it relates explicitly to web browser communications. As malware is the culprit here, a good antivirus can be the best man-in-the-middle attack prevention for this type of threat.

Four Ways To Prevent MITM Attacks in a Network

  • Stronger Protocols for Access Points
  • Using VPN to direct access to sensitive information
  • Use HTTPS instead of HTTP for authentication
  • Stronger Authentication

More robust security Protocols on Access Points

An access point communicates through a WEP key for encrypting and decrypting radio signals. When intruders get the required packets with the same WEP key, they can perform simple calculations to deduce the key and gain access to your network. WEP protocols like PEAP-MSCHAPv2 have been compromised since the 1990’s. But it is still one of the most popular Wi-Fi authentication protocols used by enterprises.

 A more robust authentication system, like the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), provides 802.1X security to protect your access points and limit access to the intended users and devices only.

VPN For Limited Access To Sensitive Information

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) make a private and protected network connection through a public network. This helps hide your identity and encrypts network traffic. A VPN masks the IP address by a remote server operating system hosted by the VPN service provider.

A VPN helps you create a secure environment for your data in a LAN. VPN uses key-based encryption and makes a subnet for more secure data transmission in a network. An intruder will fail to decipher your private traffic, making it secure for any sensitive information.

Use HTTPS instead of HTTP for Authentication.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a more secure form of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that transmits data between a browser and a website. HTTPS is encrypted, secures confidential data, and protects sensitive information.

This prevents attacks like packet sniffing, as encrypted data will present as gibberish when an intruder tries to intercept data. A website should use HTTPS, force users to use browser plugins and connect with HTTPS on request.

Stronger Authentication with Digital Certificates For Network Security

Many cyberattacks stem from weak, stolen passwords, giving an attacker full network access. Robust authentication mechanisms, like digital certificates, are phishing-resistant. X. 509-based digital certificates use asymmetric cryptography and help a device prove its authority through the TLS protocol.

Digital certificates can be used in various layers to ensure a device is what it says it is and communication is secure, thus preventing MITM attacks.

Deploy Certificate-Based Authentication to Avoid MITM Attacks On Your Network

Password-based authentication continuously fails to protect the network from MITM and Layer 2 attacks in the age of cyber-engineered threats. A single layer of security is no longer a viable option to protect networks that run with sensitive data and applications transmitted by the minute every day. Security organizations like CISA have repeatedly urged organizations to adopt robust mechanisms like MFA and Two-factor authentication to secure their network.

However, digital certificates prevent unauthorized and malicious attacks on your network more effectively. Implementing digital certificates on your network may seem daunting, as it requires a PKI, which is known to be a complex setup. SecureW2’s Managed PKI is easy to set up and deploy in no time. Our Cloud RADIUS also provides passwordless authentication for your digital certificates and helps you onboard devices securely to your network.

Click here to learn more about implementing passwordless security for your organization.

The post How To Prevent Man-in-the-middle Attacks appeared first on SecureW2.

Configure Google SCEP Certificate Automatic Enrollment Profiles Thu, 21 Mar 2024 04:10:01 +0000 Certificates are far superior to credentials and mitigate many vulnerabilities associated with pre-shared keys. They enhance the user experience by facilitating network access and removing password-related friction induced by password reset and complexity policies. Certificates also grant identity context by ...

The post Configure Google SCEP Certificate Automatic Enrollment Profiles appeared first on SecureW2.

Certificates are far superior to credentials and mitigate many vulnerabilities associated with pre-shared keys. They enhance the user experience by facilitating network access and removing password-related friction induced by password reset and complexity policies. Certificates also grant identity context by associating identities with devices, allowing administrators to decode SSL encryption and monitor device behavior.

One of the most significant challenges enterprises experience when configuring certificate-based authentication (CBA) is the smooth issuance of these certificates, especially when there are many devices to account for. To streamline this process, we at SecureW2 have developed a mechanism allowing Chromebooks to automatically enroll for certificates without requiring end-user intervention, leveraging JSON to achieve SCEP-like capability.

But before discussing the technical procedure involved in the process, we want the reader’s users to have a general understanding of the SCEP certificate lifecycle as it affects the Google Cloud Certificate Connector.

What is SCEP?

SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol) is a protocol that enables devices to quickly enroll for a certificate by communicating with a PKI through a URL and a shared secret. MDM software generally uses SCEP for devices by transmitting a payload, including the SCEP URL and shared secret, to managed devices. This can save an admin a significant amount of time compared to manually enrolling managed devices for certificates.

Essentially, SCEP instructs devices on how to connect with the PKI  using a Gateway API URL. SecureW2 customers may simply build their own SCEP Gateway API URL using our software. They may then add this URL to their MDM so that it can send a payload to devices that need to enroll for client certificates.

SCEP Shared Secret

A Shared Secret is a passcode that is case-sensitive and is shared between the SCEP server and the Certificate Authority (CA). This shared secret links the CA to the relevant server for certificate signing. The device submits the shared secret to our Managed PKI via SecureW2’s solution, and then the certificate enrolling occurs on the device.

SCEP Certificate Request

After you’ve configured the SCEP gateway and communicated the Shared Secret between the SCEP server and the CA, you can generate and distribute a configuration profile that will allow managed devices to auto-enroll for certificates. The device will send a certificate enrollment request to the CA via the SCEP gateway. After authentication, a signed certificate will be installed onto the device.

SCEP Signing Certificate

Most MDMs need you to upload a SCEP signing certificate that covers the entire certificate chain and is signed by the CA issuing certificates (signing certificate, Intermediate CA, Root CA). With In SecureW2, you just pick the CA issuing certificates, and a PKCS12 file will be created for you to upload into your MDM.

How does Google Cloud Certificate Connector work for Certificate Authentication?

The Google Cloud Certificate Connector is a Windows service that creates a secure link between your SCEP server and Google cloud. You can manually set up and secure the certificate connector by utilizing a configuration file and a key file, both specific to your organization.

SCEP Profiles are used to assign device certificates to both devices and users depending on the use case. You can easily assign a profile by choosing an organizational entity and adding a profile to that entity.

The Certificate Authority, which issues device certifications, is included in the profile. When a user enrolls their mobile or Chrome OS device for management, Google endpoint management retrieves the user’s SCEP profile and installs the certificate on the particular device. A device certificate is installed on Chrome OS devices before the user signs in, whereas a user certificate is installed after the user signs in. If the device is already registered, the certificate is installed during a routine sync cycle.

When a user tries to join your network, they are asked for the certificate. The certificate is automatically picked for Android devices, and the user taps Connect. On iOS devices, the user must manually pick the certificate before connecting. The device connects to your organization’s network using a key that Google has negotiated through the certificate connector. Google momentarily saves the key during security communications but deletes it after the device is deployed (or after 24 hours).

  1. Navigate to the Admin console,
  2. Navigate to Menu> Devices>Networks.
  3. Go to Secure SCEP and click on Download Connector.
  4. Navigate to the Google Cloud Certificate Connector section, and click Download.
  5. Click Download in the Download connector configuration file section. The config.json file downloads.
  6. Navigate to the Get a service account key section, and click Generate key. The key.json file downloads.
  7. Run the certificate connector installer.
  • Click Next in the Installation Wizard.
  • Click Next after accepting the terms of the license agreement.
  • Select the required account and click Next.
  • Choose the installation location. It is recommended to use the default mode.
  • Click Next.
  • Install the service by entering service account credentials.
  • Click Next. The service installs.
  • Click Finish.

The installation is complete now.

  1. Push the key files and configuration  (config.json and key.json) into the Google Cloud Certificate Connector folder, typically: C:\Program Files\Google Cloud Certificate Connector.
  2. You can launch the Google Cloud Certificate Connector service by using the following commands:
  • Start Windows Services.
  • Select Google Cloud Certificate Connector.
  • Click Start. Make sure that the status becomes Running.

When the machine reboots, the service should now restart automatically. If you later subsequently download a new service account key, you must restart the service to use it.

SCEP Enrollment Procedure

SCEP enrollment entails verifying a CA and submitting a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) via your MDM interface. It is critical for SCEP to obtain a copy of the CA certificate in order to transmit the CSR and client enrollment in particular correctly. You may verify that the certificate was signed by the CA by checking the SCEP server.

  • Navigate to the Admin console,
  • Navigate to Menu> Devices>Networks.
  • Check whether you have the Shared device settings administrator privilege. It is compulsory.
  • Click Create SCEP Profile.
  • Leave the top organizational unit chosen to apply the setting to everyone. Choose a child organizational unit instead. Because of a known problem, we recommend that you configure the SCEP profile for each organizational unit to which you wish the profile to apply.
  • Click Add Secure SCEP Profile.
  • You must input the profile’s setup parameters. If your CA provides a template, match the profile’s details to the template.
  • Save the file. If you configured a child organizational unit, you might be able to Inherit or Override the settings of a parent organizational unit.
  • Click Save. If you configured a child organizational unit, you might be able to Inherit or Override a parent organizational unit’s settings.

When you add a profile, it is listed with its name and the platforms on which it is enabled. The profile is enabled for platforms with blue icons and deactivated for platforms with gray icons in the Platform column. To modify a profile, select the row and then click Edit. The SCEP profile is immediately delivered to organizational unit users.

Configure the Google Cloud Certificate Connector’s Keystore

If your certificate is issued by a trusted CA or your SCEP server URL starts with HTTP, skip this step.

If your certificate isn’t issued by a trusted CA, such as a self-signed certificate, you need to import the certificate to the Google Cloud Certificate Connector Keystore. Otherwise, the device certificate can’t be provisioned, and the device can’t connect.

  1. Sign in to your CA.
  2. If a Java JRE isn’t already installed, install one so that you can use keytool.exe.
  3. Open a command prompt.

Export your CA certificate and convert it to a PEM file by running the following commands:

certutil ‑ca.cert C:\root.cer

  1. certutil ‑encode cacert.cer cacert.pem
  2. Import the CA certificate to the Keystore. From the subdirectory of the Google Cloud Certificate Connector folder created during installation, typically C:\Program Files\Google Cloud Certificate Connector, run the following command:
    java-home-dir\bin\keytool.exe ‑import ‑keystore rt\lib\security\cacerts ‑trustcacerts ‑file cert-export-dir\cacert.pem ‑storepass changeit
    Replace java-home-dir with the path to the JRE in the Google Cloud Certificate Connector folder and cert-export-dir with the path to the certificate you exported in step 4.

Setting up the SecureW2 Management Portal

First, contact SecureW2 Support to create an Identity Provider (IDP) in the SecureW2 Management Portal for Google Verified Access. Then, log in to the SecureW2 Management Portal and perform the following steps:

  • Navigate to Device Onboarding > Getting Started. On the Network Profile Generator page, enter values for the given fields to generate a network profile.
    • NOTE: You will be creating an SSID name, even though it will not be used.
    • From the Profile Type drop-down list, select the network profile type.
    • In the SSID text box, type a name for the SSID.
    • From the Security Type drop-down list, select WPA2-Enterprise.
    • From the EAP Method drop-down list, select the authentication framework.
    • From the Policy drop-down list, select DEFAULT.
    • From the Wireless Vendor drop-down list, select a wireless provider.
    • From the Radius Vendor drop-down list, select a RADIUS vendor.
  • Click Create. Your network profile is generated.
  • On the Network Profiles page, click the Edit link for the newly created network profile. The Network Profiles page is displayed.
  • Scroll down to the Networks Settings section and click the Edit link for the newly created network profile.
  • In the TLS Enrollment section, from the Enrollment Type drop-down list, select Cloud.
  • From the Generate Certificate For drop-down list, select:
    • System – If you are enrolling systems for certificates.
    • User – If you are enrolling individual users for certificates.
  • Click Update.
  • On the Network Profile page, click the Advanced tab.
  • Scroll down to the Workflows section and uncheck the following options.
    • Wireless Configuration
    • Wireless Connect
  • Click Update and then click the Republish link on the Network Profile page.
  • In the Re-publish Network Profile pop-up, type the name of the network profile and click
  • Go to Policy Management > Authentication and click the Edit link of the authentication policy.
  • Map the IDP that SecureW2 Support created in the Profile policy.
  • Go to Policy Management > User Roles and click Add Role.
  • Type a name and description in the respective fields, and click Save.
  • Click the Conditions tab, and ensure that the user role policy is mapped to the IDP.
  • Go to Policy Management > User Roles and select DEFAULT DEVICE ROLE POLICY.

Configure Google Admin Console for Device Certificate Enrollment

The Google Admin Console allows admins to manage all their Google Workspace services in a central location. Here you will configure access for device certificate enrollment. Once configured, Chromebooks with verified access tokens will be able to enroll for certificates with no interaction from the end user.

Granting Permission for the SecureW2 Service Account for Google Chrome Verified Access

The SecureW2 service account is used to validate the verified access token (sent by the Chromebooks during enrollment) against Google to confirm if the identity matches the token; based on the results, it proceeds to the next step in enrollment.

  • To provide access to the service account for device certificate enrollment, navigate to Device Management -> Chrome -> Management -> Device Settings -> Enrollment & Access -> Verified Access.
  • For the Verified access field, from the drop-down list, select Enable for content protection.
  • For the Verified mode field, from the drop-down list, select Require verified mode boot for verified access.
  • For the Services with full access field, type the following email:
  • To provide access to the service account for user certificate enrollment, go to Devices > Chrome > Settings > Device > USER & BROWSER SETTINGS > User verification.
  • For the Verified Mode field, from the drop-down list, select Require verified mode boot for Verified Access.
  • For the Service accounts field, type the following email:

Create JSON Certificate Enrollment Config

In the next section below, you will need to upload a JSON configuration file to the Google Admin Console. Please reach out to SecureW2 support during this stage, and they will provide you with the JSON file required.

Sample File:


“EnrollmentURL”: {

“Value”: “<WORKFLOW_ID>”


“DeviceCertificate”: {

“Value”: true


“RenewWindowDays”: {

“Value”: 30


“MetaConfigInfo”: {

“Value”: {

“organizationId”: “<ORG_ID>”,

“profileId”: “<PROFILE_UUID> “




Configuring the JoinNow MultiOS Extension from the Google Admin Console

The SecureW2 JoinNow MultiOS extension must be installed on the Chromebooks so they can enroll for certificates. Here, we will configure the Google Admin Console to install the extension to the Chromebooks.

  • In the Google Admin console, navigate to the JoinNow MultiOS extension by clicking Chrome management -> User & browser settings -> Apps and Extensions.
  • On the left pane, select the organizational unit (OU) and go to USERS & BROWSERS.
  • Click the + option, and in the Add Chrome app or extension by ID pop-up, type the extension ID.
    • NOTE: You can reach out to SecureW2 support for the Certificate Auto-Enrollment Extension ID
  • Click Save.

Enforce SecureW2 Certificate Auto-Enrollment Extension

With the JoinNow MultiOS extension configured on Chromebooks, the device settings can be configured to allow a seamless enrollment process.

  1. Go to Devices > Chrome > Apps & extensions.
  2. Select the OU and go to USERS & BROWSERS > SecureW2 Certificate Auto-Enrollment Extension and select Force install.
  3. In MANAGED GUEST SESSIONS, select SecureW2 Certificate Auto-Enrollment Extension, go to the Certificate management section, and enable Allow enterprise challenge.
  4. In the Policy for extensions section, upload the JSON file shared by the support team.
  5. Click Save.

Trusted Certificate Profile for RADIUS Server CA

You should configure the Trusted Certificate Profile with the certificate of your RADIUS server certificate’s issuing authority. This will make the devices trust your RADIUS server by validating the RADIUS server certificate. You can achieve this server validation in the profile configuration by adding the Root and/or Intermediate Certificate Authority (CA) certificates that issued the RADIUS server certificate. When you assign this profile, the Chromebooks receive the trusted certificates.

NOTE: For other RADIUS vendors, other than the SecureW2 RADIUS server, ensure that you have the Root or Intermediate CA that issues the RADIUS server certificates.

Export Trusted Root and Intermediate CA Certificates

This section lists the steps to export the RADIUS Server Root CA from the SecureW2 Management Portal. To export the SecureW2 RADIUS Server Certificate:

  • Click Network Profiles.
  • On the Network Profile you configured earlier, click the Edit
  • In the Certificates section, click Add/Remove Certificate.
  • Check the checkbox next to DigiCert Global Root CA (Mon Nov 10 00:00:00 UTC 2031) as shown in the following screen.
  • Click Update.
  • The CA appears in the Certificates
  • Click Download.

Configuring the RADIUS Server Certificate’s Issuer CA Chain from Google Admin Console

WPA2-Enterprise requires installing and configuring the trusted RADIUS Server Certificate’s Issuer CA chain to allow the device to connect to the Wi-Fi network securely. This is also handled by the Google Admin Console. The uploaded CA can later be selected as the trusted CA in the configured Wi-Fi Network.

  • Login to the Google Admin Console.
  • Click on Device > Networks.
  • Click on Certificates.
  • Click Add Certificate to upload your RADIUS Server Certificate’s Issuer CA chain.
  • Click on Save.

Configure 802.1X Wi-Fi for Certificate-Based Authentication on Chromebook

The last thing we need to do is configure the network settings that will be pushed to our Chromebooks so that they will authenticate to our SSID using SecureW2 for certificate-based Wi-Fi authentication.

  • Go to the Google Admin Console
  • Click Device Management -> Network -> Wi-Fi -> Add Wi-Fi
  • Configure the Name and SSID of your Wi-Fi Network
  • Select the option to Connect Automatically.
  • Set the Security type to WPA/WPA2-Enterprise (802.1X)
  • Set the Extensible Authentication Protocol to EAP-TLS
  • For the Username field, type (${CERT_SAN_EMAIL} or ${CERT_SAN_UPN})
  • Under Server Certificate Authority, select a RADIUS Server Certificate’s Issuer CA chain you uploaded earlier
  • Under Client Enrollment URL, use: chrome-extension: (extension ID will be provided by the SecureW2 support team)
  • Under Issuer Pattern, enter the matching variables of the CA that will be using the Client Certificate (NOT the RADIUS Server Issuing CA)
    • NOTE: Currently, setting the Organization Name is tested.
  • Under Apply Network, select By Device or By User, depending on the use case
  • Click Add -> Save.

Note: When moving the Chromebooks to the specific “OU” for enrollment of certificates, make sure the user also belongs to that specific “OU”.

Superior Google Chromebook SCEP Certificate Auto-Enrollment

With the last save, your network is now certificate-ready. The company may then complete any network configurations that will be delivered to the managed Chromebooks and begin the registration process. Managed Chromebooks will be enrolled for X.509 digital certificates, and all devices will be appropriately set up for secure 802.1X network access.

Support for uniquely identifying and reporting Chromebook devices has been introduced to SecureW2’s Management Portal. You can also auto-enroll for certificates and utilize powerful identification and device monitoring features for each network connection using a sophisticated Chrome Extension with Google-approved communications.

Are you ready to begin onboarding your own managed Chromebooks? We believe in constantly upgrading ourselves to keep our ever-expanding customer base ahead of the curve. If you’re keen to expand your cybersecurity horizons, here’s our pricing to learn more.

The post Configure Google SCEP Certificate Automatic Enrollment Profiles appeared first on SecureW2.

Complete Guide To Certificate Authorities Tue, 12 Mar 2024 21:49:00 +0000 Imagine walking into a vast library, seeking a single book among millions. Without a librarian or a catalog system, you’d be lost. In many ways, the internet is that library, and a certificate authority is the librarian guiding us to ...

The post Complete Guide To Certificate Authorities appeared first on SecureW2.

Imagine walking into a vast library, seeking a single book among millions. Without a librarian or a catalog system, you’d be lost. In many ways, the internet is that library, and a certificate authority is the librarian guiding us to the websites and services we can trust. They are the cornerstone upon which the edifice of digital security is built.

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of certificate authorities, what they do, and how your organization can leverage them to improve the security of your network and resources.

What is a Certificate Authority?

A Certificate Authority is an entity responsible for issuing SSL certificates and other types of certificates, such as those used for client authentication or code signing. These certificates authenticate the identity of websites and other entities on the internet or on private networks, much like how a passport or driver’s license authenticates your identity in the real world.

But there’s more to CAs than just issuing certificates. They play a crucial role in creating a secure and trustworthy online environment. When you enter your personal or financial information on a website, you’re trusting that site to safeguard your data. A certificate authority acts as a trusted third party, by verifying the identities of these websites. If a site has a certificate issued by a recognized CA, it’s like having a seal of approval, assuring users that their data is in safe hands. The versatility of digital certificates issued by CAs extends beyond secure web browsing, playing a critical role in Wi-Fi authentication, VPN access, application security, code-signing, and even facilitating secure desktop logins with smart cards.


How do Certificate Authorities Work?

Certificate Authorities uphold the trustworthiness and ensure the safe exchange of information by providing the critical functions of verifying identities, issuing digital certificates, and managing these certificates’ lifecycles. By validating the authenticity of entities seeking digital certificates, CAs act as trusted third parties, ensuring that only credible and legitimate entities receive certificates. This verification and authentication process is vital in establishing a secure digital environment, effectively minimizing the risks of impersonation and fraud.

CAs are responsible for issuing various types of certificates, including SSL/TLS certificates for secure web browsing and code signing certificates that affirm the authenticity of software. Beyond issuance, CAs also oversee the entire lifecycle of a certificate—encompassing renewal, suspension, and revocation—thereby maintaining the ongoing integrity and reliability of encrypted communications.

Why Do We Need a Certificate Authority?

Imagine a world without any form of identification. Chaos, right? Without CAs, the internet would be a wild west of security threats, with rampant phishing attacks and data breaches. CAs instill a level of trust and confidence, essential for secure online transactions and communications.

Digital Certificate Use Cases and Versatility

The Trust Hierarchy

While SSL certificates are well-known for establishing secure web connections, digital certificates extend their utility far beyond, providing security solutions for a variety of platforms and purposes. Apart from the SSL certificates, digital certificates are essential for:

  • Wi-Fi Authentication: Certificates secure Wi-Fi connections, ensuring that access is granted only to authenticated users or devices.
  • VPN Authentication: They provide a secure method for validating user access to Virtual Private Networks, enabling remote work with confidence.
  • Application Security: Digital certificates authenticate software and applications, guaranteeing their integrity and origin.
  • Code-signing: This use case ensures that the code has not been tampered with since being signed, fostering trust in software distribution.
  • Desktop Logins with Smart Cards: A digital certificate stored on a smart card can authenticate a user to a system, offering a higher security level than traditional passwords.

Types of Certificate Authorities

Certificate Authorities are responsible for issuing various types of digital certificates, including SSL certificates, which are critical for secure internet browsing. There are several types of Certificate Authorities, each serving specific roles within the digital security ecosystem:

Root Certificate Authorities

Root CAs are at the top of the digital certificate hierarchy. They are trusted entities that issue digital certificates to Intermediate CAs or, less commonly, directly to end entities. Root CAs have their self-signed certificates that are embedded in web browsers and operating systems, establishing a chain of trust. When a web browser or device recognizes a root CA’s certificate, it trusts all certificates issued by that CA.

Intermediate Certificate Authorities

Intermediate CAs serve as a bridge between the root CA and the end entities (such as websites). They are issued certificates by the root CA, which they use to sign the certificates of end entities. This multi-layered approach enhances security by minimizing the risk associated with directly exposing root CAs to the public internet and by allowing for revocation of compromised intermediate certificates without affecting the root CA.

Public Certificate Authorities

Public CAs are entities that issue certificates to the public. They can either be root CAs or operate under the authority of a root CA as intermediaries. Companies like Let’s Encrypt, Comodo, Symantec, and DigiCert are examples. They offer a range of certificates catering to different levels of authentication, including:

  • Domain Validation (DV)
  • Organization Validation (OV)
  • Extended Validation (EV)

Private Certificate Authorities

Private CAs are internal to an organization and not trusted by devices and browsers outside the organization’s domain. They are used to issue certificates for internal servers, user authentication, email encryption, and secure communication within an organization. Because they operate within a controlled environment, private CAs allow organizations to manage their security policies and certificate lifecycle closely.

There are many private Certificate Authority companies and services available today that make it simple to deploy your own CA. SecureW2 is a private Certificate Authority service that empowers organizations to create as many CAs and manage the entire certificate lifecycle from a single pane of glass.

Self-Signed Certificate Authorities

While not formally CAs, entities can issue self-signed certificates, where the certificate’s issuer is also the certificate’s subject. Primarily used for testing, development, or internal applications, self-signed certificates are not verified by an external CA and, therefore, not inherently trusted by web browsers or operating systems. Users often have to manually accept or install the certificates to bypass security warnings. Self-signed certificates provide a basic level of security for internal communications but are not suitable for public-facing applications where trust and authentication are critical.

Specialized Certificate Authorities

Some CAs serve specific niches or industries. For example, government or military organizations may have their dedicated CAs for internal and secure communications. Healthcare industries might also rely on specialized CAs that comply with industry-specific security standards and regulations. These CAs provide tailored services and certificates that meet the unique requirements and trust models of these sectors.

Cross-Certified Certificate Authorities

Cross-certification is a process where two or more CAs exchange certificates with each other, thereby extending trust among themselves. This method allows entities that hold certificates from one CA to be trusted by another CA without needing direct certification from the latter. This practice is useful in environments where interoperability between different security domains or trust networks is necessary.

Cloud-Based Certificate Authorities

As organizations move more services to the cloud, some CAs have begun offering cloud-based certificate management services. These CAs provide a scalable, flexible, and often automated environment for managing the lifecycle of digital certificates. They cater to organizations that prefer cloud-first strategies, providing seamless integration with other cloud services and ensuring secure communications across cloud-based resources.

All these Certificate Authority providers can be public or private. SecureW2, for example, offers a cloud-based private Certificate Authority platform. However, regardless of the type, the underlying principle of CAs—establishing trust through verification—remains constant across various applications, from securing internet transactions to authenticating internal networks and software within organizations.

What is a Certificate Chain of Trust?

A certificate chain, often referred to as a trust chain, is a sequence of certificates that enables a recipient to verify the trustworthiness of a digital certificate presented to them. Imagine it as a linked chain where each link represents a certificate, starting from a trusted root certificate authority, through one or more intermediate CAs, and ending with the end-entity (or leaf) certificate used in secure communications. The root CA is the most trusted link in this chain, installed and pre-trusted in web browsers and operating systems. Intermediate CAs, authorized by the root CA, extend this trust to end-entity certificates, which websites use to establish secure connections with users.

The certificate chain’s purpose is to establish a path of trust from a known, trusted entity to an unknown entity, ensuring that each certificate is signed by the entity directly above it in the chain. When a user’s device checks this chain, if each certificate is valid and correctly linked back to a trusted root CA, the end-entity certificate is considered trustworthy. This intricate system underpins secure communications on the internet, ensuring users can trust the authenticity of websites and services they interact with.

The Hierarchical Structure of the Certificate Chain

The certificate chain is structured hierarchically, ensuring that each link in the chain is trustworthy. The hierarchy typically includes:

  • End-Entity Certificate: This is the certificate used by the website or service you connect to. It contains the public key and identity information of the entity and is signed by an Intermediate CA.
  • Intermediate Certificates: These certificates act as a bridge between the trusted root CA and the end-entity certificates. There can be one or more intermediate certificates in the chain, forming layers of trust. Each intermediate certificate is signed by the authority above it in the chain.
  • Root Certificate: The topmost certificate in the chain is the root certificate. It is self-signed by the root CA, which means it is its own issuer. Root certificates are included and trusted by web browsers, operating systems, and applications.

How Does a Certificate Chain Work?

The process of verifying a certificate chain is akin to connecting the dots back to a source you trust. Here’s how it works:

  1. Starting at the End-Entity Certificate: When you visit a secure website (https), the site presents its end-entity certificate to your browser.
  2. Verification of the Issuer: The browser checks if the end-entity certificate was issued by a trusted CA. It does this by looking at who signed the certificate (the issuer) and then attempting to locate the issuer’s certificate on your device or in its own store of trusted certificates.
  3. Walking Up the Chain: If the issuer’s certificate is an intermediate certificate, the browser then looks for who signed the intermediate certificate, moving up a level in the chain. This process continues until the browser reaches a root certificate.
  4. Root Certificate Recognition: The final step is the recognition of the root certificate. Root certificates are pre-installed in web browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. If the browser recognizes the root CA as trusted, then the entire chain is trusted, ensuring that the website or service you are interacting with is verified and trustworthy.

This trust model ensures multiple layers of security. Requiring the endorsement of a root CA—via intermediate CAs—for an end-entity certificate adds depth to the verification process, making it more challenging for malicious actors to impersonate or create fraudulent sites. Moreover, the certificate chain mechanism enables the flexibility of trust. Since root CAs are universally recognized and trusted entities, having a chain that connects an end-entity certificate to a root CA allows for widespread trust. However, if an intermediate certificate is compromised, it can be revoked without undermining the integrity of the root CA or other chains that share the same root.

The verification process, while complex, is primarily transparent to the user. Web browsers automate this process, providing users with a seamless and secure browsing experience. When there’s an issue with the certificate chain—such as an expired certificate, a missing intermediate CA, or a break in the chain—the browser will warn the user, indicating that the site may not be secure. The verification of SSL certificates is part of this trust model, ensuring that when you visit a secure site, the SSL certificate presented is trustworthy.

The Connection Between Certificate Authorities and PKI

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) serves as the framework for managing encryption keys and digital certificates, ensuring secure communications and transactions over the internet. At the heart of PKI are Certificate Authorities, which play a pivotal role in the ecosystem. The relationship between CAs and PKI is foundational, with CAs ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of the PKI through:

  • Issuance and Management: CAs are responsible for issuing digital certificates to entities after verifying their identities. This process involves generating a public-private key pair, where the private key is kept secret by the entity, and the public key is embedded in the digital certificate issued by the CA. Within the PKI framework, Certificate Authorities’ issuance and management of SSL certificates are key to enabling secure electronic communications over the internet.
  • Trust Anchors: In PKI, root CAs act as trust anchors. Their self-signed certificates are pre-installed in web browsers and operating systems, establishing a baseline of trust for all other certificates issued within their hierarchy.
  • Revocation: CAs maintain certificate revocation lists (CRLs) or use the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) to disseminate information about revoked certificates. This ensures that compromised or invalid certificates can be quickly identified and no longer trusted.

SecureW2 Cloud-Based PKI for Your Organization’s Passwordless Security Needs

SecureW2’s Cloud-based Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is designed to address a wide range of security needs effectively. From ensuring Wi-Fi and VPN authentication to bolstering application security, facilitating code-signing processes, and enabling secure desktop logins via smart cards, SecureW2 simplifies the management and deployment of digital certificates across various use cases. This versatility is important to address diverse and intricate security needs.

SecureW2 Integrations

Leveraging cloud technology, SecureW2’s solution offers a scalable and flexible platform that integrates seamlessly with existing IT infrastructures. Organizations can deploy a fully functional PKI without the need for extensive in-house expertise or the hardware necessary for traditional setups. This approach not only reduces operational costs but also accelerates the deployment of secure and trusted digital certificates for a myriad of applications beyond traditional web security.

While SecureW2 is adept at managing SSL certificates for web server security, its cloud-based PKI and RADIUS solution encompasses a far broader spectrum of digital security needs. SecureW2 manages the entire lifecycle of certificates—from issuance to renewal and revocation—ensuring that encryption keys and digital certificates remain secure and up-to-date. Its ability to integrate with existing directory services for automatic certificate enrollment, along with support for a wide range of devices and applications, underscores its effectiveness in enhancing digital security across the board.

Schedule a free demo today and see how SecureW2’s offerings can empower your organization’s diverse security needs with its comprehensive, cloud-based PKI solution.

The post Complete Guide To Certificate Authorities appeared first on SecureW2.
